Video Lectures
Predicates have logical forms similar to the ones we discussed earlier for propositional statements. In this lecture, we're going to look at the universal modus ponens and see how it compares to the modus ponens argument. (lecture slides)
In this lecture, we're going to follow a line of reasoning with the modus tollens argument that's similar to what we did in the previous lecture with modus ponens versus uniersal modus ponens. (lecture slides)
We're going to conclude our discussion of predicate logic the same way we ended the propositional chapter by thinking about how we can form and validate arguments. (lecture slides)
Now that we've seen the basics of casting an argument using an Euler diagram, we're going to look at some more complex examples. (lecture slides)
We're going to conclude our discussion of predicate-based arguments and Euler diagrams by seeing how we can use these tools to show that an argument is invalid. (lecture slides)